Research Resources

Find research resources and information on infertility, acupuncture and other treatment methods that we use in our clinic in Madison, Wisconsin.

Female Fertility Research

Fertility & Sterility Journal used for Research by Madison Acupuncture & Complementary Medicine

Influence of Acupuncture on the Pregnancy Rate in Patients Who Undergo Assisted Reproduction Therapy

Fertility & Sterility, Paulus W et al, 2002 Vol 77, pg 721-724

Result(s): Clinical pregnancies were documented in 34 of 80 patients (42.5%) in the acupuncture group, whereas pregnancy rate was only 26.3% (21 out of 80 patients) in the control group.

Conclusion(s): Acupuncture seems to be a useful tool for improving pregnancy rate after ART.

Human Fertility Journal used for Research by Madison Acupuncture & Complementary Medicine

Use of Acupuncture Before and After Embryo Transfer

Human Fertility, Dalton-Brewer N et al, 2010 Vol 12 No 4 212 – 255

Result(s):Overall, positive pregnancy rates/ET were 44.6% comparing favorably with the non-acupuncture historic control group. When analysed by maternal age at time of treatment, biochemical pregnancy results for acupuncture treated women were as follows: 35 years−52%; 35–39 years – 45%; 40–45 years – 35%. Results for women aged 35–39 years and those over 40 years were markedly better than controls suggesting that acupuncture intervention of this type may be more effective in older women. No side effects or complications were experienced by women receiving acupuncture. Acupuncture is a safe, adjunct therapy in IVF and in other randomized clinical trials has been shown to significantly improve outcomes when used at the IVF centre before and after embryo transfer. Our preliminary data are encouraging and suggest that a trial involving older women may be effective.

Fertility & Sterility Journal used for Research by Madison Acupuncture & Complementary Medicine

Effects of Acupuncture on Pregnancy Rates in Women Undergoing In Vitro Fertilization: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Fertility & Sterility, Cui Hong Zheng, M.D.; Ph.D.a, Guang Ying Huang, M.D., Ph.D.a; Ming Min Zhang, M.D., Ph.D.b; Wei Wang, M.D., Ph.D.c.; 1-11-2012

Conclusion(s): Acupuncture improves clinical pregnancy rate and live birth rate among women undergoing IVF based on the results of studies that do not include the Streitberger control. The Streitberger control may not be an inactive control. More positive effects from using acupuncture in IVF can be expected if an appropriate control and more reasonable acupuncture programs are used.

Fertility & Sterility Journal used for Research by Madison Acupuncture & Complementary Medicine

Changes in Serum Cortisol and Prolactin Associated with Acupuncture During IVF

Fertility & Sterility, P Magarelli, D Cridennda, M Cohen; 2009

Conclusion(s): The researchers found that the women who had acupuncture showed beneficial changes in serum levels of stress hormones compared to the control group of women who did not have acupuncture. This may have implications for both egg quality and implantation. In addition the pregnancy and live birth rate was significantly higher in the acupuncture group.

Human Reproduction Journal used for Research by Madison Acupuncture & Complementary Medicine

Reduction in Blood Flow Impedance in the Uterine Arteries of Infertile Women with Electro Acupuncture

Stener-Victorin E, et al; Human Reproduction, 1996

Result(s): Previous studies have shown that reduced blood flow in the uterine arteries is associated with a decreased pregnancy rate following IVF-embryo transfer. This study reported in Human Reproduction (the official journal of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology) shows that after 8 acupuncture treatments blood flow to the uterus was markedly increased. Research carried out by one group of IVF clinics in California has shown that using this protocol to increase blood flow to the uterus, combined with acupuncture on the day of transfer has resulted in a significant improvement in pregnancy rates.

Male Fertility Research

Fertility & Sterility Journal used for Research by Madison Acupuncture & Complementary Medicine

Quantitative Evaluation of Spermatozoa Ultrastructure After Acupuncture Treatment for Idiopathic Male Infertility

Pei J et al, Fertility and Sterility, July 2005

Result(s): A group of infertile men who had pathological semen analyses according to WHO criteria, were treated with acupuncture twice a week for 5 weeks. A statistically significant increase after acupuncture in the percentage and number of sperm with no structural defects was demonstrated compared to the control group of patients who received no treatment. They concluded that male infertility patients could benefit from having acupuncture. A general improvement of sperm quality, specifically in the ultrastructural integrity of spermatozoa, was seen after acupuncture.

Human Fertility Journal used for Research by Madison Acupuncture & Complementary Medicine

Effects of Acupuncture and Moxa Treatment in Patients with Semen Abnormalities

Gurfinkel E et al, Asian Journal of Andrology, Dec 2003

Result(s):In a prospective, controlled and blind study, a group of infertile men (married for 3 – 11 years without children) were randomized into two groups, the treatment group receiving 10 acupuncture treatments and the control group receiving sham acupuncture treatments. The patients in the acupuncture group demonstrated a significant increase in the percentage of normal forms compared to the control group.

Herbal Fertility Research

Efficacy of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine in the Management of Female Infertility: A Systematic Review

Ried K, Stuart K., October 05 2011 Discipline of General Practice, School of Population Health & Clinical Practice, The University of Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia

Conclusion(s): Our review suggests that management of female infertility with Chinese Herbal Medicine can improve pregnancy rates 2-fold within a 4 month period compared with Western Medical fertility drug therapy or IVF. Assessment of the quality of the menstrual cycle, integral to TCM diagnosis, appears to be fundamental to successful treatment of female infertility.

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Madison Acupuncture & Complementary Medicine specializes in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, combined with Functional Medicine to provide personalized therapeutic solutions.