Functional Medicine

Functional medicine greatly expands a practitioner’s tool kit. As a result, treatments may include a combination of herbal medicines, therapeutic diets, nutritional supplementation or detoxification programs.

Functional Medicine is personalized health care that treats the person rather than the disease. Functional Medicine looks at physiology and lifestyle to identify the ROOT cause of chronic disease and provides natural and safe solutions to restore health to optimal functioning.

In contrast, Conventional Medicine treats the problematic areas often without considering the entire body as whole. It addresses symptoms, and uses medication and surgery as their primary tools.

Functional Medicine doesn’t just ask WHAT is wrong, but rather asks WHY.

The Key Differences Between Western Medicine and Functional Medicine

Western Medicine's Approach

Functional Medicine's Approach

What to Expect at Your Functional Medicine Consultation

Most chronic illness is preceded by long-term decreasing health over time. To help identify areas of poor function, your medical history will be reviewed, with detailed focus on your main areas of concern. All bodily systems are discussed to determine if underlying issues may be contributing to your health condition.

Functional medicine greatly expands a practitioner’s tool kit. As a result, treatments may include a combination of herbal medicines, therapeutic diets, nutritional supplementation or detoxification programs. When necessary, further laboratory testing may be recommended to gather more information. These tests may include:

Please contact Madison Acupuncture & Complementary Medicine to schedule a Functional Medicine consultation to determine the root cause of your poor health and successfully treat your health concerns.

Ready to Get Started?

Madison Acupuncture & Complementary Medicine specializes in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, combined with Functional Medicine to provide personalized therapeutic solutions.